Ria Sea – Royal Blue
Keywords: Calm and Inner Strength. Divine Power.
This essence is for deep healing of the spirit, bringing calm and relaxation. It dissolves stress and fear bringing our spirit and astral/emotional being to a state of true well-being. When we are troubled with the problems of life and our well-being is suffering, then ‘Ria Sea’ comes like an angel in the night on the deep royal blue frequency, resonating well-being through the entire ‘Higher Self’. It is profoundly spiritualising and calming to the being, and those who get very troubled by many different sorts of problems will really benefit from this essence.
There is a lovely inner strength and a trusting in God which resonates with this essence. We can start to live with the angels closer and closer as we progressively gain well-being in our Spirit. This is a resonant connection with High Divine Power and brings deep Divine support. An inner confidence grows from the personal power this essence generates, through the activation of ‘Royal blue three’ by this essence. We connect with the power and strength of angels as well, and this helps us sort any type of problem and challenge. We can get a lovely soft, blissful feeling from this essence, in common with many other Group 1) essences. If we hav.e been doing too much, we simply feel intensely relaxed, and we naturally equilibriate back to a natural balance, to find our true state of well-being again. Some spiritual healers will love this essence, as it is the very colour frequency that so many of them work on with the spirit. People who look after the well-being and health of others, will find this essence very helpful as it helps to strengthen and relax them, as well as helping their well-being too. It assists you also to value yourself and others better, if you feel greater physical/etheric/emotional support and wellbeing in yourself. This essence is useful in so many ways and for so many people, as it optimizes their well-being on many levels. It helps the body to realize, then manifest, its own reserves and resources to support the physical vehicle. It is like an elixir for life itself, being an energy to bring all levels into a state of deep peace, strength, well-being and harmony.